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Functional Health Articles

The Food 411: Can you Think your way into good health?

Could a simple attitude adjustment be all you need to improve your health and lose a few extra pounds? It turns out the way you think about the food you eat is just as important as what you actually eat. A study from the 2012 Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics found that eating mindfully is just as effective as following a diet when it comes to reducing blood sugar levels in adults with Type 2 diabetes. Mindful

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The Food 411: What are the benefits of an elimination diet?

You eat the perfect diet: plenty of whole foods, organic grains, fresh fruits, and lots of dark-green veggies. But what if I told you that some of those great foods could actually be undermining your health? Here is the deal. Most folks think of food allergies only as rashes, hives, or asthma, but the most common food allergies don’t cause an immediate reaction or even show up on regular allergy tests. Unaddressed food sensitivities may lead to underlying inflammation each

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The Food 411: Ever wonder why you shouldn’t heat certain oils?

  Did you know?   Vegetable oils contain mostly heat-sensitive polyunsaturated fats. When heated, these fats turn into toxic compounds, ie: trans fat. So even if the label doesn’t say so, you may be consuming transfat. So what oil should I use for cooking?  Its all about geometry… Due to their structure, saturated fats are able to resist a heat-related damage called oxidation because they do not have any room for oxygen to squeeze in. Monounsaturated fats, such as olive oil,

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The Food 411: Got Goat Milk?

Do you experience gas, bloating, diarrhea or mucus after drinking milk? Has your doctor told you that you are lactose intolerant? Maybe it is the type of milk you are consuming. Turns out that many folks who have issues with cow milk might do much better with goat. What is wrong with cow milk? Many folks head toward the office door when I advise them to remove cow dairy from their diets. It is a highly inflammatory food and for many, initiates an immune response

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The Food 411: Can we make our healthy foods even healthier?

  Okay, this isn’t going to be a don’t eat this/don’t eat that kind of article. Everyone has heard enough about food sensitivities or if not, read more here. Instead, I think we should focus on taking the great foods that we are already eating and increasing their nutrient density. I thought I had an epiphany, but turns out I wasn’t the only one. Since I tend to think about my work 24/7, it didn’t seem odd to me to

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The Food 411: Garlic

Did you realize in order to obtains garlic’s health benefits, you must first chop, mince or crush it and then let it rest for 10 minutes before using? Garlic contains a compound called alliin that requires an enzyme, alliinase to activate it. Mother nature was kind enough to provide in the same package so all you need to do is mix! You know it is ready when you get that great pungent smell and bite to it. Letting garlic rest

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We have put together a comprehensive paper on Coronavirus, including ways to improve your immune system and stay healthy.

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