Did you realize in order to obtains garlic’s health benefits, you must first chop, mince or crush it and then let it rest for 10 minutes before using?
Garlic contains a compound called alliin that requires an enzyme, alliinase to activate it. Mother nature was kind enough to provide in the same package so all you need to do is mix! You know it is ready when you get that great pungent smell and bite to it.
Letting garlic rest also stabilizes it for cooking. Garlic cooked at low or medium heat for up to 15 minutes preserves the alliicin. Research shows that when rested crushed garlic was heated, it maintained the ability to inhibit cancer but, when the same crushed garlic was used immediately, its anticancer activity was lost.
So sit back and enjoy that appetizer so you can get your vitamin “garlic”!
Thanks for this information. I was just wondering why the garlic had to sit. Very helpful!