Laboratory Testing

Table of Contents

Common Tests

Comprehensive Wellness Profile

Our comprehensive panel helps us assess systemic functionality.

To Help Determine….
Systemic Health
Nutrient Status

Risk factors and more……

We may recommend additional markers based on an individual’s symptoms and medical history.

Test data is analyzed using a functional perspective. Learn more here..

Advanced Functional Medicine Testing

Great Plains Organic Acids

This test measures whether your body is getting and using nutrients to drive optimal health. Nutrients are protecting agents. Just as your car has additives and devices that protect it, nutrients serve to protect your heart, brain, and other critical organs. Like a car’s gauges warn of potential problems, your body has a buildup of certain chemical indicators, known as organic acids, that can alert you to potential problems. 

Markers include: fatty acid and carbohydrate metabolism; B vitamin status and ability to generate energy; intestinal health, neurotransmitter activity; methylation cofactors such as B12; oxidative stress and antioxidant markers;  oxalates; and detoxification demands. Early warning can help you make diet and lifestyle changes that may both extend and enhance your quality of life.

Dutch Urine or DiagnosTechs Hormone Testing

By far the best methods for determining bioavailable sex and adrenal hormone levels. 

Dutch Urine provides a functional assessment by including hormone metabolites which are not provided with blood or saliva testing. This is important for those with hormone dominance issues in that estrogen must be used and detoxified correctly to minimize potential health risks. DiagnosTechs is the preferred choice in those with suspected pituitary issues.

It is important to test all hormones together since they are highly dependent on one other. This should include testosterone, progesterone, 3 types of estrogen, DHEA, and possibly DHT. Also, keep in mind that problems with cortisol levels lead to symptoms throughout the body.

Cyrex Food Sensitivity and Autoimmune Testing

May disclose not only whether you have a problem with gluten, but possibly with many of its “cross cousin” foods. It may not be enough to be gluten free if you also react to food such as corn, oats, etc. Addition testing options include 180 foods.

For those with autoimmune issues, food proteins that resemble enzymes, tissues, organs in the body can initiate an immune response. This autoimmune testing looks at 24 organs/enzymes throughout the body for help uncover autoimmune issues. Additionally, testing can be performed to uncover triggers such as chemical or pathogenic load.

Diagnostics Solutions GI Map

Diagnostics Solutions GI Map uses DNA to determine if bacteria, yeast, parasite or viral issues may be the source of GI issues. There are 100 trillion cells in your body, but only one in ten is human. The rest are bacteria, fungi, viruses and other microorganisms, i.e. your microflora. Any imbalance in the ratio of these may lead to symptoms both inside and outside the GI system.

It also provides additional gut health information related to digestion, immune response, inflammation, and GI markers.

Genova or Cyrex Labs Environmental Profiles

Toxic body burden is the lifelong accumulation of chemicals to which we are exposed through our food, air, and environment. This accumulation is not without consequences, and chronic health conditions like autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases, as well as cancer and even diabetes, have been associated with ongoing exposure to environmental toxins.

Research suggests that this exposure begins very early in life. Once thought to be protected by the placental barrier, even infants have shown signs of in-utero toxic exposure. In fact, a 2005 Environmental Working Group (EWG) investigation found over 200 toxic compounds (in aggregate) in the cord blood of 10 newborns. Testing can help determine which toxins have accumulated in your body. 

In addition to toxic load, additional testing is available to uncover specific chemicals or pathogens that may be directly affecting your immune system. 

Genova Nutritional Profiles
A comprehensive profile to measure levels of organic acids, fatty acids, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants,. 

Bone Resorption Testing

It could take up to a year to see bone loss via DEXA. Pyridinium crosslink testing, unlike DEXA, provides a dynamic measure of bone turnover rate. This inexpensive test allows us to closely monitor changes in bone status.

Genentic SNP Testing

By decoding nearly 19,000 genes in the human body, the Human Genome Project opened up an entirely new spectrum of knowledge, offering tremendous potential to improve your health. Many people mistakenly assume that the presence of a certain gene, or a genetic flaw means they are destined to experience the associated disease. This is not true! Most genes have flexible expressions and often are influenced by modifiable environmental, diet and lifestyle factors. Only a few very rare diseases are certainties determined by genetic makeup.

Experts believe that nearly all of the most pervasive disabling and deadly degenerative diseases (including heart disease, adult onset diabetes; cancer and senile dementia) develop from an from an ongoing interaction between genetic and environmental factors. Factors may include poor diet; chronic nutritional deficiencies; hormone imbalances; unhealthy lifestyle habits; bacterial infection; toxic exposure to cigarette smoke, air pollution or other substances; excessive alcohol consumption; sun exposure or bacterial infection can play a role in whether or not disease develops. Over time, these harmful agents and conditions can switch on a gene’s ability to promote disease.

What You Can Do to Help Protect Yourself from Coronavirus

Our immune system is pretty robust–on the job 24/7–protecting us from all sorts of bacteria, parasites, fungi, and viruses.

But given the rapid rate of increase in Coronavirus infection, is your immune system as healthy as it could be?

Getting help shouldn’t be difficult!

Contact us for your free 15 minute consultation.

We have put together a comprehensive paper on Coronavirus, including ways to improve your immune system and stay healthy.

Stay Home & Stay Healthy