
What is one of the most important things we need to do to improve our health?

Keep our blood sugar balanced. If you can imagine: Being satisfied by good foods without craving sweets? Sleeping throughout the night and waking refreshed? Having so much energy that you accomplish everything to want to do in a day? Feeling relaxed and happy even through the tough times? Being able to focus without distraction or fatigue? Touting a full head of soft shiny hair and beautiful nails? A healthy sex life? A strong well-toned body? Rarely getting sick? Then you

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The Food 411: Can calorie restriction Extend your life?

There is a lot of talk about the benefits of fasting for our health. Animal testing studies demonstrate animal calorie restricted diets increase lifespan by up to 40%. How about us? Let’s look at few examples. Biosphere 2 Eight people unexpectedly tested this theory when locked into a bubble. From 1991-93, Biosphere 2 was a scientist’s Disneyland, a 3-acre ecological laboratory in Arizona which housed 8 different ecosystems. Completely isolated from the outside world, scientists gr100% of their food and

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The Food 411: Soy, friend or foe to your brain?

Many people believe that eating soy is a healthy alternative to eating meat. It is true that in some countries such as Japan, eating small amounts of fermented soy has been shown to contribute to overall health by lowering breast and prostate cancer, osteoporosis, etc.. But it is important to clarify that the soy they refer to is different than soy that has been genetically modified, contaminated with carcinogenic herbicide and pesticides, and manufactured into an unnatural food source. Our

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What You Can Do to Help Protect Yourself from Coronavirus

Our immune system is pretty robust–on the job 24/7–protecting us from all sorts of bacteria, parasites, fungi, and viruses.

But given the rapid rate of increase in Coronavirus infection, is your immune system as healthy as it could be?

Getting help shouldn’t be difficult!

Contact us for your free 15 minute consultation.

We have put together a comprehensive paper on Coronavirus, including ways to improve your immune system and stay healthy.

Stay Home & Stay Healthy