Our bodies need at least 8-12 glasses of good quality water per day. Do you drink enough?
You might want to grab a glass. Did you know….
- 95% of the time when you are foggy or unclear it is due to lack of water.
- Dehydration is a major cause in daytime fatigue, nausea, headache, lethargy, and constipation.
- Just a 5% drop in body water can cause up to 30% loss of energy in the average person,
- Many times we confuse hunger with thirst. One glass of water shuts down midnight hunger pangs for almost 100% of the dieters studied in a university study.
- Next time you have a stomachache, try slowly drinking a glass of water to possibly relieve the pain within 15 minutes.
- With increased water intake, you may need to increase your salt intake as well (to keep the water inside of the cells). Please talk with your doctor regarding this if you have high blood pressure.
What are some disorders that may have dehydration as a factor?
- heartburn
- fatigue
- asthma
- stomach pain
- rheumatoid pain
- arthritis
- back pain
- migraine
- leg pain when walking
- fibromyalgia
- colitis
- angina
- morning sickness
- hangover
- depression
- high blood pressure
- kidney issues, and more…
Can dehydration lead to aging?
Dr. Dan, MD, offers an explanation. Since we create acidic byproducts such as phosphoric acid when we break down our proteins, excess amounts become salts which can build up in our cell walls causing them to stiffen. This affects the ability of cells to bring in water, nutrients, and oxygen as well as their ability to remove toxic wastes. This steady decline in cellular functioning is what we refer to as “aging.” Alkaline water can wash these salts away and help restore proper cell membrane function.
The following study might be one sure way to get you to drink more water. Dr. Alexis Carrell, a French physiologist, won a Nobel Prize for an experiment in which he took cells from a chicken’s heart and put them into a solution containing the same minerals and nutrients found in chicken blood. Every day, he changed the solution and disposed of the waste products. The chicken heart lived for over 28 years and died only because he stopped changing the solution. If only someone took such good care of us!
Additionally, Dr. Dan points out that without sufficient energy, we won’t be able to bring water into the cells. And without hydration, energy metabolism will be compromised, so the two go hand in hand.
How do I know if I am dehydrated?
Signs of dehydration mimic lots of other conditions, probably because water is involved with so many functions in the body. These signs may include:
- fatigue
- heartburn
- asthma
- stomach pain
- migraines
- leg pain while walking or exercising
- dry skin
- brittle hair
- morning sickness
- hangover
- depression, high blood pressure
- kidney issues
- thirst, etc.
Don’t wait until you are thirsty to rehydrate—thirst may be one of the last signs of dehydration!
How much do I need to drink each day?
It may seem excessive but our bodies require about 96 ounces per day. Want to know why?
- Breathing-1 1/3 cup
- Intestines-½ cup
- Lungs-2 cups
- Kidneys-5 ½ cups
- Skin-2 cups
Total: 96 oz OR about 3 liters OR 2-3 quarts
A good hydration ,method may be to sip water throughout the day. Please try to avoid drinking during meals as it can negatively affect digestion. If you have heart, kidney, or any swelling and your doctor says it is okay, increasing water intake should be done slowly so that the increased input should equal the increased output. Once swelling start to go down, water intake can be increased but again only if urination equals water intake.
With increased water, you may need to increase salt intake to help keep water stored inside the cells where it belongs. This is where you need to talk to your doctor, especially if you have high blood pressure. If salt is okay, according to Dr. Batmanghelidj, MD, you can start of increasing water intake for a few days without salt and then add 1/4 teaspoon for every 10 glasses of water consumed . If swelling occurs, he advises reducing salt for a couple of days while slowly increasing water intake. And let’s make sure this is the good stuff; sea salt, no iodized table salt, please! Please note: Himalayan may contain high iodine contraindicated in those with autoimmune.
Water quality is important
- The Environmental Working Group rated San Diego’s water at 92 out of 100 cities tested.
- EWG rated big city (population over 250,000) water utilities based on three factors: the total number of chemicals detected since 2004; the percentage of chemicals found of those tested; and the highest average level for an individual pollutant, relative to legal limits or national average amounts, including for the most common pollutants (disinfection byproducts, nitrate and arsenic).
- You might considering filtering your tap water with a carbon block filtering system to remove impurities (but understand that this will not take out fluoride). You might also want to filter your shower water as we also absorb toxins through our skin (especially with hot water opening up our pores).
- Checkout the Fluoride Action Network to learn more about the effects of fluoride in our drinking water.
How do I test if I am properly hydrated?
- Urine color. Dark yellow urine (while not taking vitamins) may indicate dehydration.
- Take the Skin Turgor Test. Gently lift up skin on back of hand to form a small tent. Release and if the “tent” remains, you may be dehydrated.
- Bioimpedance Analysis to measure total water status and to determine if the water distribution is healthy (is it mostly inside or outside of the cells?). It also measures cell membrane integrity (which is essential in keeping water levels high inside the cells).
- Markers on your Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis can indicate dehydration in many individuals.
I pee all the time, do I still to drink more water?
Water is kept inside of the cells so it’s at the center of the action. If it is outside the cell, this may lead to swelling and toxicity. To insure the water stays where it belongs, our cell membranes must healthy. You might consider adding ample amounts of essential fatty acids to your diet while at the same time, you try to minimize the consumption of hydrogenated fats. Also, please make sure you are getting lots of vitamin/minerals to improve the membrane’s integrity as well as electrolytes, especially with excessive urination.
Additionally, some folks find that if they “structure” their water, it becomes more absorbable.
What is Structured water?
Okay, we know water is important, but is turns out that its shape might just as important as its quality. Seriously, could it be all that good water you are drinking is not effectively making it into your cells? I am no expert on this—frankly, I had my doubts—but strangely enough, it’s true. I had a friend who had suffered from migraines ever since she was a child. Doctors tried everything to no avail…until one progressive MD I worked with loaned her a water structure machine to use. Within 2 weeks, 4 decades of debilitating daily migraines were gone. This same MD told me that you can get similar effects by leaving a glass jar of water in the sun or cooling water to 39F and then vigorously stirring your water into a vortex just prior to drinking.
How does Structured water work?
Dr. Gerald Pollack, professor of bioengineering at the University of Washington, has become somewhat of an expert on the cell’s interface with water. He believes that water is actually part of the structure of each cell.
“Take a muscle, for example—if the muscle is not functioning, it’s the protein and the water that are not functioning,” he explains. “You need plenty of this ordered/structured water and proteins in their right form in order to make the muscle function properly. So if you have a muscle injury, then both are not functioning.”
Structured water is water that stays together like jello.
“The reason why the water doesn’t dribble out of the Jell-O is because it sticks together into this liquid crystalline-structured fashion… So it’s possible that when you swallow properly structured water, it might be preserved. If this structure is then absorbed into your intestines, then it’s possible it can be retained all the way into your cells. It’s also possible that it’s the charge within the ordered water that really matters. Structured water contains charge, negative charge usually. It’s possible that what you’re really doing is absorbing the negative charge, and that negative charge is critical for building the structure. That’s another possible route.”
And the sunlight? It charges the water, just as you would a battery. But come on, stirring?
“If you think of a vortex, what happens? Well, the vortex is a kind of mechanical perturbation or agitation. Probably it builds bubbles—little air bubbles that are deeply involved or enveloped into the vortex. If these bubbles contain an envelope of structured water, then vortexing would be a very powerful way of increasing structure. Both of those ideas—reducing the temperature and vortexing—probably do lead to increased water structure.”
Sulfate and Structured water
In her TED talk, “The Mineral Power for Your Body’s Electrical Supply”, Dr. Seneff, an MIT scientist, states that it’s not only the water’s structure, but how our bodies use it.
Structured water surrounds the cell providing protons that are moved into the interior of the cell while it maintains electrons on the outside. This essentially forms a battery to be used as “electricity”. The cells then use this energy to power lysosomes to clear out cellular debris and by our mitochondria to make energy.
She explains that much like the walls in our homes, our cells provide both a structure (drywall/wood) and an electrical source (wires/outlet). Blood not only supplies goods and takes away waste, but is a supply of electrical circuitry for the body.
Structured water needs sulfate to hold it together (wood) and to provide negatively charged ions (wires/outlet) to bind to exterior of our cell. The energy forces the movement of red blood cells from the artery to the vein. This electrical movement also creates an EMF field that signals nitric oxide (NO) to be released to relax blood vessels so that the blood flows easily. NO is also the “magical” protein that makes more sulfates from sulfite in the skin by reacting to sunlight.
Bottom line–with Structured water, blood can flow and with blood flow we make energy–making our skin a solar powered battery, just like a plant!
Structured water may protect against disease
Dr. Seneff believes that, ”Deficiencies in cholesterol and sulfate supplies to the blood and tissues are the most important factor behind modern diseases “. Why? Structured water provides sulfates, If sulfate supplies are low, the body will attack organs and tissues in order to get the sulfate it needs.
So, could we in the midst of a sulfate deficiency given the rise in degenerative disease? It could be since NO production is very sensitive to glyphosate, aluminum, and mercury.
So to best protect yourself by keeping NO levels high with burst exercises, structuring your water, getting out in the sun, grounding to the earth, and eating an organic good diet with lots of sulfate broccoli, garlic, onions.