“Sometimes the cure is worse than the sickness”, so my gastroenterologist told me in February 2015. I saw him after two rounds of antibiotics to treat h-pylori had failed and had also brought on c-diff.

It all started in September 2014 with a small pain on my side. My primary care doc ordered many tests and finally a stool test found h-pylori. The antibiotic treatment for it was horrendous. I ended up with really bad acid reflux that felt like I had swallowed gasoline. I knew something was seriously wrong. After numerous ER visits they finally found the c-diff and with different antibiotics it cleared up. I still felt horrible though and had flu like aches and pains for weeks. I went to two different functional medicine doctors but found that they really weren’t familiar with h-pylori and what they recommended didn’t with the pain, weakness, and acid reflux.

In March of 2015, I finally found Barbara after doing a search for functional medicine practitioners who experience with h-pylori. She reviewed all my lab reports and blood work and found that my body just wasn’t absorbing the minerals from my diet. She put me on a strict diet and supplements regimen. It was difficult and it didn’t happen overnight but about 30 days later I had more energy and appetite. The pain and acid reflux had subsided significantly.

I was tested again in May 2015 and the results were negative, yup negative for both h-pylori and c-diff. I’m still not 100% but feel so much better. When I saw the gastroenterologist in May he was surprised and asked what I had done. I told him about the diet and supplements Barbara had me take. He said, “well whatever you did, it worked.” Thank you Barbara, you gave me my life back!

We have put together a comprehensive paper on Coronavirus, including ways to improve your immune system and stay healthy.

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