
The Food 411: Garlic

Did you realize in order to obtains garlic’s health benefits, you must first chop, mince or crush it and then let it rest for 10 minutes before using? Garlic contains a compound called alliin that requires an enzyme, alliinase to activate it. Mother nature was kind enough to provide in the same package so all you need to do is mix! You know it is ready when you get that great pungent smell and bite to it. Letting garlic rest

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The Food 411: Can sauerkraut help ward off a Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection?

For those of you who have had an H. pylori infection, you remember the ulcers, gastric reflux, bloating, nausea or a deep gnawing pain in your stomach that sent you running to the doctor. But did you know that these bacteria may also cause frequent belching, reduced appetite, unexplained weight loss, joint or muscle pain, chronic fatigue, thyroid issues, and psychological symptoms? H. pylori can put you in a brain fog where you feel like you can’t figure anything out,

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The Food 411: Soy, friend or foe to your brain?

Many people believe that eating soy is a healthy alternative to eating meat. It is true that in some countries such as Japan, eating small amounts of fermented soy has been shown to contribute to overall health by lowering breast and prostate cancer, osteoporosis, etc.. But it is important to clarify that the soy they refer to is different than soy that has been genetically modified, contaminated with carcinogenic herbicide and pesticides, and manufactured into an unnatural food source. Our

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Are Your Vitamin D Levels Affected Your Waistline?

Vitamin D is important for many functions throughout the body especially immune system regulation and bone health. Learn more here. Body mass may have a negative effect on your Vitamin D levels According to PLOS Medicine, data analyzed from 21 studies involving 42,000 participants found that for each 10% rise in body mass index (BMI), there is a 4% drop of available vitamin D in the body.  Since vitamin D is stored in fatty tissue, the authors suggest the larger

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Can You Help Reverse Insulin Resistance with Your Thoughts?

A new study found that eating mindfully is equally effective as following a dietary based program in terms of reducing blood sugar levels in adults with Type 2 diabetes. Mindful eating involves paying attention to your body’s cues of hunger and satiety and slowing down to experience the texture, flavor, color and aroma of your meal. For example, in common mindfulness training a student is given a few raisins, or a piece of fruit and spends anywhere from 10 or

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Could Eating Salmon Improve Your Cardiovascular Health?

What would you say if there was something that could prevent a heart attack or cut your chance of a second heart attack by 50%?  And what if it was inexpensive and non-prescription? Essential Fatty Acids has been clearly proven to lower triglycerides, turn off arrhythmias, and dramatically drop your chance of dying from a heart attack. In fact, it is among three of the top nutrients that have been shown to make the difference in those who survive a heart attack.

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The Food 411: Eating Sauerkraut May Help Your Health in Unexpected Ways!

  Researchers found that a diet rich in probiotics may decrease total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels. In the review of the literature from over 13 clinical trials with over 485 participants, those treated with probiotics had a much lower blood lipid levels that those who did not. So for those of you concerned about high blood lipid levels, feast on those fermented veggies and green bananas and help your gut at the same time…..

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The Food 411: Fruits and Veggies, The Natural Aspirin?

  We all are aware that aspirin is a salicylic acid  commonly used for pain and inflammation. But it might surprise you to know that many fruits, vegetables, and spices are a naturally rich source of salicylates. Salicylates, a type of polyphenol,  can act as a natural form of aspirin. Researchers found that vegetarians have serum concentrations of salicylic acid as high as folks who ingest 75 mg of aspirin a day (the amount in half of a baby aspirin).

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What You Can Do to Help Protect Yourself from Coronavirus

Our immune system is pretty robust–on the job 24/7–protecting us from all sorts of bacteria, parasites, fungi, and viruses.

But given the rapid rate of increase in Coronavirus infection, is your immune system as healthy as it could be?

Getting help shouldn’t be difficult!

Contact us for your free 15 minute consultation.

We have put together a comprehensive paper on Coronavirus, including ways to improve your immune system and stay healthy.

Stay Home & Stay Healthy